The Spokane Financial Advisors Network Blog
Spokane Housing Dilemma: Rent or Buy?
This is a blog post about buying or renting homes in Spokane, WA written by Noah Schwab financial advisor.
Charitable Giving Tools and Your Financial Plan
This is a blog post written by Kurt Heineman, CFP® about different charitable giving tools that may be useful for your financial plan.
Look Forward to Every Financial Planning Meeting
This is a blog article written by Todd Koyama about how you can “Look Forward to Every Financial Planning Meeting.”
Student Loan Update- Where are we now?
This is a blog post written by Adrienne Ross on Student Loan updates for March 2023.
Kids and Money
This is a blog post written by Denise Downey about the importance of parental influence in teaching children about the uses and ways to manage money.
5 Retirement Planning Tips in a Down Market
This blog post lists the top five things you can do right now to prepare for retirement; whether retirement is in five years or twenty years.