The Spokane Financial Advisors Network Blog
Spokane Housing Dilemma: Rent or Buy?
This is a blog post about buying or renting homes in Spokane, WA written by Noah Schwab financial advisor.
Charitable Giving Tools and Your Financial Plan
This is a blog post written by Kurt Heineman, CFP® about different charitable giving tools that may be useful for your financial plan.
Look Forward to Every Financial Planning Meeting
This is a blog article written by Todd Koyama about how you can “Look Forward to Every Financial Planning Meeting.”
Student Loan Update- Where are we now?
This is a blog post written by Adrienne Ross on Student Loan updates for March 2023.
Kids and Money
This is a blog post written by Denise Downey about the importance of parental influence in teaching children about the uses and ways to manage money.
Cash is King
This is a blog post titled “Cash is King”. The blog is written by Jordan Curnutt. Jordan discusses the importance of optimizing your cash savings with rising interest rates.
What to Do When the Stock Market is Tanking
This is a blog post about what to do when the stock market is tanking. Keith Spencer is the author.
5 Retirement Planning Tips in a Down Market
This blog post lists the top five things you can do right now to prepare for retirement; whether retirement is in five years or twenty years.